Test Live U-stream broadcast

Testing a live broadcast over the internet on Friday at 8pm with a camera…a laptop and u-stream. This is going across the social networks too, with interactive chat, hopefully so real time feedback is encouraged. It’s a test broadcast so anything can happen.
Catch me on U-stream.com at 8pm under Property Visuals or click the links on my page here on Facebook.

New Blog starting up with Property Visuals

Hi Everyone

I have succumbed to the demand and the usability that is WordPress and started a blog. It maybe daily or weekly depending on work, but  we all know in business that being heard is vital to networking with like minded individuals and very importantly, marketing too.

I am currently testing the capabilities of these new smart phones and in particular my own HTC hero, which is Android powered. I have downloaded an app for broadcasting live and recorded video using U-Stream. First impressions seem good and using near low lighting conditions I believe the phone performed great. To think that a broadcast from phone across the internet can be so instant.

I will be back with a video broadcast from this phone next week

.Property Visuals